Lk 18:1-8 The Judge and the Widow
‘Even though I don’t
fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me,
I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack
Luke 11:5-13 The Neighbors
I tell you, even though he will not get up to provide for him because of his friendship, yet because of the man’s persistence, he will get up and give him as much as he needs.
These two readings are often used to
illustrate how to pray, suggesting that if we persist in pestering God, he will
eventually relent and give us what we want.
Looking at various translations of the parables, we get a wide variety of
words like impudence, sheer audacity, pestering and nagging in place of
persistence. None of those words are appropriate for prayer. When Jesus explained to his disciples how to
pray, he said, “When you pray, don’t
babble. God knows what you need before
you ask.” Those words should be the
model on which our prayer is based. Jesus also said, ‘Pray always’, which means to keep the line of communication with
God open at all times wherever you are, whatever you are doing.
Some things we should ask ourselves –
Do I love God?
Do I trust God?
Do I believe in His promises as told
to us by Jesus?
If the answers are yes, yes and yes,
then ask yourself one more.
What’s all the begging for?
We act as though God does not hear
us, making it necessary to repeat our prayer over and over again. This is based on our flawed understanding of
what God’s love means. If only we could
rid ourselves of the notions that God can be bribed or cajoled into giving us
what we want, and that if we nag enough, he will relent. On the one hand, we say with apparent sincerity,
that God is all love, but on the other hand we pray as though he is, either
Santa Claus, a puppeteer or deaf. We
constantly forget that God is not us, prey to moods and unpredictable instead
of steadfast and faithful. “God knows what you need before you ask!” God does not require anything from us except our heartfelt
sincerity. God’s love is transcendent. God only
wants what is best for us and if we would trust that, we would know what the
peace that Christ offered us really means.
God is as immense as all the universes, and as close as
your next heartbeat.
Lemelin OPA