2 Corinthians 6: 1-10
“We cause no one to stumble in anything, on the contrary, in everything we commend ourselves to God, through much afflictions, hardships, constraints, beatings, imprisonments riots and labors by knowledge, patience, kindness, in true love, in truthful speech, in the power of God.”
Paul was always being resisted in Corinth. It was an enormous task to keep the Church in Corinth faithful to the gospel. False prophets and even fake Christians beset them. Paulcould have simplified his remarks by saying, “No matter what threatens you, do not falter. And, whatever you do, do it in love and keep Jesus foremost in your heart.”
But this letter and the 1st Corinthians were, in the eyes of the Holy Spirit, meant for us as well as the people of Corinth. No matter what happens, stay strong in faith and trust in God and never lash out at persecutors, but follow Jesus’ example and pray for them. Never let the bad days bring out unkindness, rudeness or pessimism and overshadow your true self. Always be aware that the Spirit is right there with you and you need no signs to remind you of that.
St. Paul has often been misunderstood because most of us have never actually delved into his life, his personality, and his astonishing ability to spread the message of Jesus. We must remember that he did not know Jesus, but learned of Him through the behavior of His followers. How else would people learn of the staggering gifts that await anyone who finds Him, except through our behavior?
Read this letter to see how Paul influenced every facet of life with Jesus as the focus. It is invigorating and , oh by the way, evidence of what a hero is. He traveled all over for years. He never forgot each community, which his letters prove. His absolute confidence in the rightness of his calling is an example for all of us who claim to be followers of Jesus.
Something Extra
Last week I visited the Bible Museum in Washington D.C. I don’t know what I expected, but the whole experience was thrilling. The building itself is a wonder. It is a renovated elderly edifice that has been transformed. Anywhere they could bring in the light they have, to remind us that the Bible is the light in the world. The displays and videos were lovely and simple. There was no preaching, just sharing. We came away feeling energized and in awe of the power of the Bible.
May God Bless your summer and may you be safe and rested.
Carol Lemelin OPA