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Saturday, March 5, 2016

ISAIAH 55:11

ISAIAH 55:11

“Just as from heaven the rain and snow come down and do not return there until they have watered the earth making it fertile and fruitful … so shall the word that goes forth from my mouth.  It shall not return to me void, but shall accomplish that for which I sent it.”

            With these words God establishes his intention for the world in no uncertain terms.  As always, God is so clear. His message is unambiguous with no need for interpretation.  Simply, “I have sent my Word among you and there it will stay until the day I call it back”.  The word he has sent beginning with Abraham is rock solid and invincible. God has made his will known and nothing on earth can alter its course. 
            I think of it like this.  When Moses began his crusade to free the Israelites from Egyptian slavery he met one obstacle after another, all of them fierce.  He faced the power of Pharaoh, the might of the army, the reluctance of his own people, and his personal attachment to Egypt, the only home he had ever known. Still he found the strength and the will to persevere because he trusted in God’s Word and discovered the actual power of God.
            It’s easy to get discouraged by the amount of evil we see each day in the world.  It’s a mistake to get overwhelmed by it because we are then blind to the good that is being done.  The good that abounds in the world is fueled by God’s Word much like a warrior that forges fearlessly ahead oblivious to danger.
            After centuries of speaking to the world through prophets, God sent his Word to us in Christ Jesus who is The Word.   This miracle is the thing that keeps the promise alive.  My word shall accomplish that for which I sent it”.  That is what gives us hope in the midst of the world’s strife.  It’s up to us to act on the belief that even when it seems we lose the battle the war is already won.  As St. Paul reminds us “Nothing can separate us from the love of God.” (Rom 8:37-39)
                  We have to soldier on like Moses intent on bringing God’s word to our own corner of the world.  We have to be steadfast in our faith and actively strive to seek out the good around us.  God is more powerful than all the evil in the world and with such power behind us we can achieve our purpose in life, which is to not only live the Word, but share it as well.  Oh, and what is the word?  Love one another.

Carol Lemelin OPA

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