This chapter, (MT: 10:1) tells how Jesus sent the disciples out to
preach in his name. It also identifies
the twelve Apostles by name and among them is Simon of Cana. Who? Never heard of him. Was he at the wedding? Was he the wine steward? These are unanswerable questions. In Luke 8:1-3 where he names the women in Jesus’ company, there is
mention of Joanna, wife of Herod’s Chief Steward. How did that happen? Wouldn’t
you love to know her story? Again, we
never will. But the fact that they
existed and are numbered among the earliest disciples of Jesus should give us
We too, are his disciples and no one has ever heard of any
of us either, but that is the best part.
We, like they, are the seeds of the faith for the future. Just because we
never heard of them does not mean they were not responsible for the faith of
many. Since the Holy Spirit saw to it
that their names are not forgotten we can be sure they were. Peter, Mark, Timothy, Luke, John and Paul did
not do it alone. Everyone who was
inspired to follow Christ had a role in spreading the Good News.
That inspiration of the Spirit exists today with all the power
it ever had. The Spirit never gives up,
tires or loses interest. Every follower
of Jesus is urged by the Spirit to share the message. The problem is that we
have learned to be immune to the call.
We have built up a wall of excuses behind which we hide. But somewhere,
lost in antiquity, are the people who first fell in love with Jesus and from
them we have our faith. It’s tragic really,
that we have the knowledge which could make lives worth living, which can help
people know how much God loves them, which can strengthen them to face the
future, but we hold back. We think; “Who
am I? I’m nobody. No one would listen to me”.
When you do think that, remember the names, Simon of Cana
and Joanna of Jerusalem. Know that you have the same authority to preach in
Jesus name as they had and most important is to believe that the Spirit, which
urges you on, will remain with you to strengthen you no matter the outcome.
Blessings on you and on your summer.
Carol Lemelin OPA
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