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Wednesday, August 24, 2016



Sometimes when we hear the Old Testament stories of the relationship between God and the human race, it appears that there must be two Gods.  That one is often frightening and very hard to love, seeming to want only obedience to law. Many terrible deeds are attributed to Him. On the other hand, God as presented to us by Jesus, is all loving, all caring, forgiving and wanting only our happiness.  Jesus was not introducing a new God.  Jesus was the bridge between the old image of God and the real nature of God.  God has always been present in the Bible, but one must take time to seek Him out.  He is most definitely there.  This is God seeking us, offering us the road to peace and love:

“I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Everyone from the least to the greatest shall know me.  (Jer.31:33-34)

This command, which I am giving you today, is not too wondrous or remote for you. It is not in the heavens where you must say, ‘who will go up and get it for us?’ …No it is somewhere very close to you, in your mouth, in your heart.” (Deut.31: 11-1

I will remove the heart of stone from your chest and give you a heart of flesh.”.
 (EZEK 36: 26)

Not two Gods, but two interpretations of God.  The first, created by man in his own image; vengeful, punishing, full of wrath; the second, full of love, striving to connect with his creation, teaching love, speaking through His prophets, guiding the human race to love one another and therefore find peace. He made every effort for us to know him, not as a warlord, but, as it is written in Kings, God was not in the fire, the earthquake or the storm but in the whisper.  (1 Kings 19:11-18)  As a mother soothes her child in the night so does God speak to us.

If we are to live as God wills us to live, we must get to know the true nature of God.
God needs nothing from us.  God is perfect.  Nothing can be added to God nor taken away from God.  We must take care not to assign human behaviors or motives to God.  Jesus spent his public life in service to the human race by healing, comforting, enlightening everyone to the true nature of God.  All the good in the world is a reflection of God’s love if we would but see it. It’s easy to look down on the early Jewish people and wonder why they did not obey God, but chose to live counter to his commands and treat His prophets so badly.  But are we any better?  Are we not stubborn? Don’t we ignore God’s commands?  Don’t we mislead people by speaking of God as though he were human and changeable?  God hasn’t changed; He still seeks you to tell you how much you are loved and that he forgives without exception.  To really know this you must know the true nature of God better and the scriptures is the place to start.

Carol Lemelin OPA

Note: Subscribe (free) to the daily readings at USCCB.com (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) to have the day’s scripture in your in-box everyday.

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