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Wednesday, February 15, 2017



The Pharisees were pushing Jesus for a sign to prove to them he was sent from God.  Jesus sighed from the depths of his being and said, “Why does this generation always need a sign?  There will be no sign.”  With that he got in a boat and went to the other side of the lake, putting distance between them.  These Pharisees wanted a sign like the 4th of July fireworks but he refused.  He knew that whatever he did would not convince them, so determined were they to stop him from preaching to the people. 

That sigh, so deep it seemed to come from the depths of his being, is the one we, too, have been known to breathe when we’ve failed to explain, educate, clarify or defend anything to someone who simply will not even try to understand.  That sigh we understand so well, which says, in effect, “I give up”, once again reminds us how close Jesus is to us.  At those times when we are ready to give up, this sustains us. Either we will actually give up or determine to try again, but whichever choice we make, we don’t do it alone.  The old gospel song reminds us, “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

After Jesus is in the boat, there arises a dispute about the apostles not having brought enough bread.  When Jesus tells them to avoid the leaven of the Pharisees they misunderstand and think he is talking about bread.  At that point, Jesus becomes irritated and says,  “Why do you conclude that it is because you have no bread?  Do you not yet understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear?”  When Jesus mentions the leaven of the Pharisees he is referring to their way of adding to the word of God things that change the meaning of those sacred words as leaven changes bread. 

All in all, it was a very frustrating day for Jesus and we see and understand.  When those days come to us, its good to remember this day in the life of Christ and follow his example, to move on, to forgive and forget.  We must show that we hear and understand.  That we have eyes and do see and ears and do hear.  We can pledge to keep faithful to our faith in God and live to do his will.  

Carol Lemelin OPA

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