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Thursday, May 18, 2017



 “You yourselves, like living stones,
 are being built up as a spiritual house”
(1 Peter 2:4)
It’s not surprising that St. Peter used this analogy when talking to the believers.
It must have weighed heavy on his mind sometimes when he thought about the day Jesus changed his name from Simon to Peter, the rock.  The Rock meant that He would be responsible for spreading the Good News, caring for and educating those who sought to know Christ.

So he turns to them and reminds them that Jesus fulfilled the prophecy,

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
A stumbling block and a stone of offense.

He tells them and us that we, too, are the spiritual stones that are meant build the faith.  We have been called into the light by Jesus and thus must do our part in the building.. 

Rocks and stones that are piled on one another and cemented together don’t do anything after that but just stand there.  They serve their purpose but they are mute.
This cannot be true for us.  To be spiritual stones, as Peter phrases it, we must know that we are chosen to be His own possession, that we may proclaim the glories of Christ and call others to Him. 

To worship God, to do good deeds, to contribute to the poor are noble things, but we are called to do more.  We are called to speak the Good News; to seek out those who are lost and offer them the joy we know as Jesus’ people.  We are not the kind of rocks that simply sit in the pews every week.  We are spiritual stones on which others can depend for the truth. 


Carol Lemelin OPA

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