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Wednesday, May 9, 2018



When Jesus gave his final words to the apostles and disciples he stressed that they would be able to do works just like his and, he said, even more.  (Jn 14:12)How did Peter cure the man on the temple porch?  He put his hand on the man and said, be healed in the name of Jesus Christ and the man was healed.  How was that possible?  Peter was not divine and yet he did something Jesus had done numerous times.  

The answer is, of course, he believed he could do it because he trusted in the word of Jesus and in the presence of the Spirit of God within.  

How does a Voodoo doll hurt someone?  The doll has no magic properties and yet the sight of one can actually cause death. The answer is the same, the victim believes it can do them harm and it does.  Misguided perhaps, but faith nonetheless.

My own faith has grown in the past few years due in large part to my discussion groups, in the books we have read and the faith we have shared, but I still don’t think I could cure someone of an ailment. I probably couldn’t get out of the way and let the Spirit work. I couldn’t let go of my sense of self in favor of the Spirit. On the other hand, Peter was able to do that because he had spent years in Jesus’ company. He believed because he had seen. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe.”  That’s us in case you wondered.  

We don’t realize the power we have in the Spirit, but never tap.  Okay, we probably would not move mountains. Who would want to anyway, what purpose would that serve?  But there are virtual mountains, which keep people from the comfort and peace of faith, which we could help dispel because we believe in the power of the Spirit. The fear of God, mistrust of God, anger at God, or worse, the idea that God will not forgive, are just some of those mountains.  If you could convince one person in your life of the true nature of God, you would probably have fulfilled His will for you.

Why can’t we jump off that diving board?  We know he says He will catch us and we know His promises are real and still we hold back. From the earliest scriptures God has said, “Do not be afraid of what you are to say, for I am with you.”  And still we hesitate.  Imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone who says they believe in Jesus actually does believe in Jesus and follows his example by making others aware of the boundless love of God.  

May God bless you with the strength to do His will.

Carol Lemelin OPA

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