I’m angry. I admit it. I am sick to death of the discrimination that has become the national pastime. It’s even worse when the discrimination comes from people who call themselves Christians. These are FAKE Christians.
You know you’re a FAKE Christian if…
You answer crude, malicious and discriminatory remarks with silence.
You turn a blind eye to the breakup of immigrant families over what amounts to paperwork.
You use the Bible to support your prejudices.
You are rude to people who struggle to express themselves in English.
You won’t serve or bake a cake, for crying out loud, for someone who doesn’t fit your image of perfection.
You hate anyone because of his or her gender, color, race, religion or sexual orientation.
You set that example for your children.
You completely ignore the example set by Christ, who embraced everyone except hypocrites.
You think Jesus was kidding when he said, “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”
You think God hates any of his creations and will support your efforts to make their lives miserable.
You suffer from the delusion that racism, bigotry and discrimination are part of the Christian responsibility to live in the image of Jesus.
May God have mercy on us,
Carol Lemelin OPA
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