From the very beginning, God emphasized the love of neighbor. Nearly every prophet repeats that. Jesus came then, and not only preached love of neighbor, but lived it, up to and including, forgiving his killers. Still the human race makes a face and says, “He doesn’t mean those people does he?”
If you look at the people whom God chose to represent Him on earth you know quickly that God knows how to pick them. Moses, David, Isaiah, Peter, all handpicked and all dedicated to His will. So when it came to explaining what he meant by love your neighborhe chose Paul of Tarsus.
In his letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 12:31 thru 13:13, Paul lays it out for all to see. This passage is commonly used at weddings, but the simple truths expressed in this passage are the recipe for loving your neighbor, not just your spouse. It’s almost as though someone had asked Paul about how they should love because he begins by saying:
I shall show you a still more excellent way.
Love is patient. At home, in traffic, in the airport, wherever.
Love is kind. To strangers, to the poor, to people you don’t like.
Love is not jealous. Because someone has something you don’t.
Love is not pompous. Because you have something they don’t.
Love is not inflated. (Not sure what Paul means by this)
Love is not rude. This ought to be bumper sticker!
Love does not seek its own interests – above others.
Love is not quick tempered. Anger management, anyone?
Love does not brood over injury or rejoice over wrongdoing.
Love rejoices in the truth. Truth is still truth and it shines like a beacon.
Love bears everything.
Love believes.
Love hopes.
Love endures.
Love never fails.
It can’t, it simply can’t be any clearer than this! God is not asking the impossible. He does not command that you like everyone or that you never avoid people who bring out the worst in you. He does not say you should leave yourself vulnerable to attack or insult. What he does ask is that you live by this code and remember that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. He asks that you keep love foremost in your heart and mind so that His love can be extended to the world. What’s love got to do with it? Everything.
May God be with us as we strive to love one another. Amen
Carol Lemelin, OPA