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Wednesday, September 19, 2018




This afternoon while merchants were selling their wares to visitors in town for Passover, Jesus of Nazareth, already known for his unorthodox behavior, took a whip to the moneychangers and merchants.  During his wrathful explosion, tables were overturned, money cascading on to the floor, animals crying out in fear and people scrambling to get out the way of that whip.  It must be noted that Jesus did not actually strike any person, just the tables.  He cried out a quote from the book of Jeremiah; “You have made of my father’s house a den of thieves.”   

The temple guards were summoned, but somehow Jesus was able to escape capture, although no one actually saw him leave the area.  The High Priest and the president of the Sanhedrin conferred privately, but no announcement was forthcoming.  It is known, however, that the Sanhedrin is deeply troubled by the presence of Jesus of Nazareth due to his insistence on recognition of the rights of sinners and his attacks on the establishment.  

The High Priest said at his press conference; “His insistence on consorting with tax collectors and street people sets a very bad example and threatens the stabilization of the nation. There is even a story of his having spent time in the company of Romans. The nation does not need another rabble rouser and we will do all we can to keep him from disrupting the peace.”

“With all due respect to the High Priest, we would like to recommend that you go and find this Jesus and listen to what he has to say and make your own decisions.  We do not say this lightly because we have seen and heard him and we note that his message cuts through the red tape of government and concentrates on what Yahweh demands of us, which is to love one another.  This Jesus is no rabble-rouser, but a compassionate man who brings the message of God’s love to everyone, whether high or low in society.  He appears to be the one Scripture says, “Will reveal things hidden since the beginning of the world.”It is our opinion that the world will never forget Him. “  

Times change, but people don’t and Jesus would get the same reception if he came in our century as he did in his.  The wonderful thing is, the message is the same then and now, and means as much to world as it when it was first proclaimed. The best way to share the faith is to live it. 

May God bless as we try to fulfill Jesus’ call. 
Carol Lemelin OPA

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