I have my Christmas lights on timers so at 5pm every evening they all go on and drive the darkness away. I really don’t like this time of year when it’s dark at 4:30. From the end of Daylight Savings Time until Dec. 21stwhen the days begin to get longer it is depressingly dark. I wouldn’t last 6 months in Alaska, Iceland or Sweden. They would have to lock me up. Twice in my life I have been in a situation where there was total darkness. It is almost impossible to explain what that feels like. You are suspended in a way. You know you’re still breathing, but there is nothing, just emptiness and you are afraid to move. Believe me, your imagination does a number on you.
Light is one of those things we take for granted and only notice when it isn’t there. Have you ever noticed how your heart lifts when you look out the window and see that the sun is shining? Light figures prominently in all life. The very creation of the world began with it. The Big Bang happened when God said, “Let There Be Light!”. Growth is dependent on light. Light furthers understanding by revealing details we would miss in the dark. That light at the end of the tunnel is a symbol of hope
Jesus is referred to as Christ our Light and with good reason. When Jesus first appeared on the scene, the light in his eyes struck anyone who heard him or saw him. He revealed the great love of God that is evident in the scriptures but sadly had been forgotten. He brought people to the understanding that God is not remote and unapproachable but near at all times. He helps us understand that God’s love exists within us. He is still doing that. His light never went out and we see it in the love between people. We see that light in the goodness shown in times of great trial.
A life without knowing that the love of God is there for the taking is the worst possible fate. The light from a star heralds the great miracle of Christmas. We decorate with lights even in places where it isn’t dark, like Australia this time of year. We do this from the basic instinct that light is life. Christ is light. That light shines year round from within those who recognize it and share it.
If Christmas is about anything, it’s about that. The appearance on earth of God himself, bringing the light of love and understanding to any all who will hear, is meant to transform the world no matter how long it takes. We have a part to play in that and it is our obligation to keep it in mind all day, every day, even in the dark.
May Christ’s light shine on you this Advent season.
Carol Lemelin OPA
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