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Wednesday, November 20, 2019



These are the last words of Jesus according to Scripture.  Consider the disciples. They have been through so much and experienced things they never could have imagined.  I think its naïve to think that they understood everything at this point. Jesus told them to stay in the city until the Spirit came.  Even that was mysterious. But their faith in Jesus was so strong by now, that uncertain as they may have been as to what form the Spirit would take, they went back to the city and waited.  

Their faith was rewarded, but I daresay not without some controversy. There were many disciples of Jesus by that time.  Upwards of 80 or more that we know of, so imagine the conversations that ensued.  Faith filled or not, everyone probably had something to say. Some thought Jesus would return very soon. Others believed he was gone for good.  Most hoped that somehow what He said about always being near would actually happen. After all, He never said anything he didn’t mean.  Then, with the descent of the Spirit, they understood and believed. 

This may be the most important article of faith we possess.  Knowing that the presence of Christ in our world, in our lives, in our very being is real, transforms us.  We need to look at everything through that prism. Every event, every controversy, every problem has to be examined that way.  I don’t think you can convince anyone of that, at least, not by words. But since you truly believe it, and live it, you can suggest that anyone who doubts it should live and act as though it were true for a week. If they really open themselves to it, the results should be amazing. The truth is, if you live with this knowledge at the forefront you will love.  

Three very different people put it this way: 

Words of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, a 19th Century Engineer and novelist. 
“Go, and fear not. Be not bitter against anyone. Be not angry if you are wronged. Forgive. Be reconciled with everyone. If you are penitent, you love. And if you love, you are of God. All things are atoned for and all things are saved by love. Love is such a priceless treasure that you can redeem the whole world by it. “

Words of John Lennon, a 20th century philosopher and Rock star. 
“All you need is love.” 

Words of Jesus Christ, Redeemer.
Love one another as I have loved you.” 

Knowing He is with us at all times, make this much easier.

Carol Lemelin OPA

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