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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


July 28, 2-15


             I was watching a television story the other night about a young man sent to a church by his father with no explanation. The only person he met there was the priest.  Having no business with him, the man started to leave but the priest, looking thoughtful for a minute say, “you’ve come all this way, why not stay and have coffee with me? “ The young man turned back, doubt visible on his face but then it clears and he says, “Sure, why not?”
            As I watched, I was suddenly struck by the thought; “There it is, that moment when the Spirit is at work!” In both men, unbidden, unprompted, and unnoticed was the power of the Spirit.   Such simple, seemingly unremarkable moments happen all the time and often turn the tide of people’s lives.  The trick is to recognize it for what it is, the prompting of God.  The more deeply we live aware of the presence of God the easier it is for us to follow the promptings of the Spirit.    As we grow in knowledge of God through Scripture and experience the more we come to expect the Spirit to move us.  Think back on the times you made a decision, changed direction or took action that surprised you; moments that you couldn’t explain but knew were right. Those memories will strengthen you and give you the courage to expect the help of the Holy Spirit and wait for it.   Remember:  God is in the whisper’. (1Kings 19:12)

With love from Carol

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