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Wednesday, August 12, 2015


AUGUST 12, 2015


            As we grow more experienced in life we have a tendency to think we’ve got everything figured out.  We’ve seen enough examples of how people behave to be pretty sure we know what’s coming next.  The problem with that attitude is that while we may think its wisdom, it is in fact the closing of the mind to possibilities.
In our society we have been faced with issues that previous generations never thought of or if they did, they swept them into dark corners, but we aren’t going to do that.  We ‘re going to face them and do everything we can solve them.  We, the followers of Christ, have an obligation to bring the mind of Christ into the discussions.  We cannot sit back and let the loudest voices prevail.  We must speak for justice, reason, and love.
            John the Baptist and Jesus both urged people to open their minds and with them their hearts to new thoughts about old things.  Both paid with their lives, taken by those whose minds were closed and locked tight.  But enough minds were opened to further their message.  We have historical evidence that no matter how strong the opposition, the mind of Christ will prevail.  Closing our minds eventually results in cynicism, which is the enemy of faith and the end of hope.  The mind has no borders; it can’t be x-rayed or even given a physical description.  As far as we know then, the mind is a spirit.  It is pretty obvious that God uses our minds to communicate with us. That being so, if our minds are closed how will we hear Him? 

With love, Carol

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