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Wednesday, October 28, 2015


October 28, 2015

            Paul, previously an enemy of the Good News, was transformed into its champion.  He couldn’t wait to tell all the Jews that the long wait was over. The Messiah-The One who was to come-had actually come.  But he was to be seriously disappointed.  Most of the Jews were uninterested and downright hostile to both him and Jesus.  Finally, Paul had enough:
            Paul began devoting himself completely to the word, solemnly testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. But when they resisted, blasphemed and abused him, he shook out his garments and said to them, "Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent of it. From now on I will go to the Gentiles." (Acts: 18-6)
            Paul finds himself in the same place most of us do at some point in life when we suffer loss.  It doesn’t matter what occasioned the loss, the feeling of emptiness is the same. Eventually though you hear the phrase “you have to move on”.   For the second time Paul found himself starting over. How often did he look back over his shoulder and wonder if he did the right thing?  How often did he think that he had failed? Moving on is not so easy.  You can cut the ties but the cut ends follow you around for quite awhile.  Paul comes off as supremely self-confident but every so often he refers to his sadness.  To accept what is and move on is one of the hardest things in life.  Paul bears the pain but moves on because he realizes that what he must do is more important than how he feels.  To move on is to look to the future with the sure knowledge that God is with us.  We have to stop asking why and start asking what next?  There is a reason that you live.  You may not understand but rest assured there is one.                   Psalm 18 strengthens me and perhaps will do the same for you.
I love you, Lord my God,
You are my rock and my fortress.
My deliverer is my God,
I take refuge in Him,
My rock, my shield, my saving strength,
My stronghold, my place of refuge.
I call to the Lord and I am saved.
Fill my heart with your strength, O Lord.
With love,
Carol Lemelin OPA

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