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Wednesday, November 11, 2015


NOVMEBER 11, 2015


            Stephen Hawking describes the beginning of the universe in his television special, “Into the Universe”. He tells of a moment when an enormous burst of energy suddenly erupted where before there was nothing.  This eruption sent out light and, what to all intents and purposes, were pieces of rock.  These ‘rocks’ expanded outward and grew and changed and created the universe.  While this program was airing, Hawking declared that there is no God.  He declared that the idea of a supreme being behind this burst of energy was irrational.
            In my earlier life when someone of that stature questioned my beliefs I would be very upset.  I would worry for days about whether I was wrong and they were right. After all, someone like Hawking is a lot smarter than me I would think.  But happily as my life has progressed I am grateful for challenges like that.  I realized that if I were to go through life believing something someone else told me was true without thinking it out for myself I would regret it.  I was raised to avoid anything that might make God mad at me but I decided to take the risk.  As a result, my faith in God and trust in his Love is deeper and stronger than I could have imagined.
            Now I believe that it is irrational to think that The Big Bang could happen without a motivating force.  I want to say to him: “Do the words ‘Let there be light’ ring a bell?” God is that energy that caused The Big Bang.  That energy was the force behind the Resurrection. Some who have studied the Shroud of Turin have suggested that the imprint on the cloth is evidence of that force restoring life to a corpse.
            One of the rocks sent out by the Big Bang is the one we live on.  From it we can see the other stars and planets moving through the skies.  But there is one exception to the rule of that movement.   The North Star does not move. It isn’t fanciful to suggest that God planned that.  One star that we can depend on staying where it is and letting us use it for navigation? Sailors have navigated by it and depended on that steadiness for millennia. It’s existence made it possible for man to progress, to explore this planet. 
            I see a parallel here.  God is the force behind the Big Bang and Jesus, like the North Star, is the beacon of light, which guides us. Like the star, Jesus is ever present, ever steady, faithful at all times.  We depend on this truth.  When we are in turmoil, in our heart of hearts we know that God is with us. 
            People who deny scientific discoveries and scientists who deny the spirit are both wrong.  God is and science is the tool he has given us to go deeper into his creation. 

With Love,
Carol Lemelin O.P.A.

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