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Saturday, November 21, 2015


11-20-15MATTHEW 5:44

            After the slaughter in Paris, no one wants to be reminded of this verse:
You have heard that it was said, 'you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.…”
             When I was a youngster my mother told me that when I had an issue with anyone (in that case it was the principal of my high school) I should pray for that person every time the issue came to mind.  I prayed with clenched teeth for months. But I did it.  It turned out very well and so I have tried all my life to adhere to that advice. But it is never easy.
            After the news broke, in every church, in every country, prayers for the dead and the grieving in France went up.  Where I was no one mentioned praying for those who committed these horrible acts.  The reaction of the world is to meet violence with violence and that may be natural especially for those who have the wherewithal to take revenge but the rest of us are helpless in the face of such a tragedy.  But if we are bent on revenge and wiping out these people how are we different from them?  But there is one thing we can do.  We can pray for the people who are so deluded that they planned and implemented such evil.
            Bombs will not do it.  Security measures have proven faulty. To pray for these people will take all our strength but we can’t turn away from Jesus’ command.  Jesus said that following him will not be easy and now we are faced with the bitter truth of that statement.
            Jesus also said: “The Son of Man has come to save what is lost” (Lk 19:10) Is anyone more lost than these people?  How do we overcome our revulsion to be able to pray?  We must start with God.  Jeremiah 29:12 says: “When you call me, and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me.”     I had to believe that and start by asking God to give me the strength to pray for ISIS and then composed this prayer. 

Dear God, I call on you to please turn the hearts of the people who are so lost, so angry, so misguided that they have lost all human feeling and were able to plan and execute the horrors visited on Paris. Inspire them to feel pity for the victim’s families and to spare others the same fate.  Help us all to turn from thoughts of violent revenge and focus on finding ways to change their minds and hearts. I pledge to be more aware of the indifference to the struggles of others that could lead them to find that way of life attractive and to help where I can. I pray and promise this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord.  Amen.

            I invite you to at least try.  Imagine if the entire world prayed not just for the victims but also for their murderers.  Our trust in God is being tested.  Our commitment to Christ summoned.

With love,
Carol Lemelin OPA

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