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Wednesday, December 2, 2015




            We seem to be hearing a lot lately about this being a Christian nation.  I like to think that is true.  Everyone may not profess a belief in Christ but much of our law and custom reflect His message.  Our acceptance and understanding of the old saying, “Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose”, for example. We are offended if someone doesn’t hold a door or say thank you or give way at four way stops because not doing so is against custom.  For most people that stems from the Christian principle to care for one another.  Lately though the concept of a Christian nation is being coupled with some very unchristian ideas.  For example, someone recently said that we don’t want Muslims here because this is a Christian Nation.  Someone else said that if the diners in the Parisian restaurant had weapons the outcome would have been entirely different. Perhaps.  Not better though.  The idea that if everyone carried a gun we would have peace has sent the lawmen of the old west turning over in their graves.
            What is happening to us?  If, as we like to think, we are a Christian nation, why are the Christians silent when these things are said?
            It would be a good idea for everyone who calls him/herself a Christian to go back to the foundation of the faith through The Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles and read what those early pioneers believed was required of the followers of Jesus. For example St. Paul’s letter to the Romans (10:9-18):

            If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

            Christianity is two-fold, both heart and mouth are involved. Living life as a Christian but keeping it secret is just as bad as claiming to be a Christian but not living the life. Christmas is coming and we begin the remembrance of Christ’s life all over again.  The love of God becomes flesh and brings with Him all we need to build a world of peace and justice and his final words to us were; “Go and teach.” If only we had enough faith. 

With love,

Carol Lemelin OPA

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