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Wednesday, December 16, 2015




            As of Thursday the dreaded ‘week before Christmas’ begins!  The Saturday before Christmas is the worst.  It’s a really good idea to have all your errands run before Saturday because that is the worst traffic day of the year.  Not necessarily because of the amount of traffic, but because of the way people drive.
Parking lots are especially dangerous for drivers and pedestrians.  No matter how well we plan it seems that Christmas creeps up on us and we are panicked by the things left undone and this makes us cross and self-centered drivers. 
            When the crush builds you hear complaints about what Christmas has become as though someone else is responsible.  But the truth is it isn’t some vague they but as the old comic said, “They is us.”  When this awesome feast becomes a chore it is time to take stock.  How did I let this happen? When did anxiety, worry, bad moods, and dread take the place of joy? 
            I hit on this idea. Everyday of the last week before Christmas I ask myself to imagine where Mary and Joseph were on their journey.  Can you imagine being nine months pregnant and riding a donkey?  For mothers this would be as bad a thing as one can imagine.  How was Joseph holding up?  The whole process is alien to men anyway but this - this was incredible.  When I put myself there beside them the mundane tasks before me seem pretty unimportant.
            Doesn’t it make you wonder about God?  Wonder about your idea of God?
God, the Almighty, the creator, the judge, decides to come to earth in this human way, not just the birth but also the journey, the privation, the loneliness, the confusion and fear.  From its beginning the life of Christ was deeply human and for that we should be eternally grateful.  The joy of the feast is in the knowledge that on that day God became one of us.  Take away the trimmings, the trumpets, the angels, the kings and what remains is magnificent in its simplicity and shows us the loving heart of God.  God made good on His promise and we have Jesus with us all the time.  Take a breath; let the wonder fill your heart.  The joy will return. 

With love and Christmas blessings to you all,

Carol Lemelin OPA

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