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Wednesday, January 20, 2016




“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit.” (1Cor. 12:4)

            St. Paul goes on to explain in this letter that every one has the Spirit within and that Spirit manifests itself in different ways in each person.  He lists some of them such as wisdom or mighty deeds or prophecy. Most people think those gifts are way beyond them, but Wisdom is not necessarily having all the answers.  Mighty deeds are not necessarily public heroics.  Prophecy is not necessarily the ability to predict the future.  The gifts of the Spirit are often quiet and almost unnoticed but fully capable of achieving the purpose, which God intends.
            God has given everyone the potential to do wonderful things but most people either don’t know it or don’t believe it. So many people demure and say they don’t have any gifts and that’s that.  That is a learned reaction and one that needs to be corrected.  Try to see yourself through God’s eyes as a creation with gifts and potential to bring others to Him. If this chapter had a subtitle, it would be “God don’t make junk”.  (Not grammatically correct maybe but true nonetheless. )
            Mighty deeds are done daily by people who face their everyday problems with grace and fortitude and trust in God.  Wisdom is shown everyday by those who budget their money, recycle, help others and make prayer a part of their lives. Prophets are people who speak up against injustice, demand fairness and preach trust in God.
            Among other gifts of the Spirit that people don’t even know they have are honesty, patience, open-mindedness, understanding, joy of living, and gratitude for the gift of life.  This the 21st century and we should have grown up enough to trust that God has given us all we need to share the faith, to guide others to Him and be open about our faith.  It’s not about religion; it’s about faith in the Creator.  It’s about acknowledging that God is intimately involved in our lives, wants only that we use the gifts bestowed on us to make the place we occupy a place where He may be found.


Carol Lemelin OPA

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