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Wednesday, January 6, 2016


January 6, 2016


            My grandchildren have all reached maturity (well, more or less depending on the circumstances J).  Anyway, for all intents and purposes they are grown up.  As I look at them and think of their futures, my own past rears its head.  I don’t want them to suffer, to grieve, to be afraid, to be in pain, to be humiliated or rejected, ever!  But I know that is not possible.  I do want them to be loved, to be happy, to grow in learning and in faith.  I want them to know that they can trust God.  I am fully aware that all those experiences are what go into making a total human being.  You can’t be compassionate unless you love.  It is easier to bear the difficulties of life if you have a core of belief that you can depend on.  I heard someone once say they wished they could open the head of their child and pour in all the things they will need to live happily and successfully. But human beings don’t come pre-fabricated.  It takes one experience at a time.
            That is also how true faith happens.  In Mark 6:50-52 the disciples are being tossed around in a boat when Jesus comes to them walking on the water. He says, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid.”  Now you would think that they would be overcome with the power of Jesus and trust him implicitly from then on but that is not what happened.  They were more afraid than ever according to Mark “They had not understood the (miracle of) the loaves. On the contrary, their hearts were hardened.”  Say what?  The apostle’s hearts were hardened?  Neither Matthew nor John tells the story this way but I tend to think this version is more realistic.  These were early days in their relationship with Jesus and these events frightened them. It took time to know Him in order to trust Him.  They did get to know him, to trust him and eventually they accepted martyrdom for His sake.      
            The kind of faith that I wish for my grandchildren is the kind where they gradually begin to truly see Jesus as both human and divine.  To trust in His every word for all of their lives and no matter what happens to them, the core of that faith will never waver or let them down.   
            I pray fervently for them, that their faith will grow and sustain them all their lives as it has mine.

Carol Lemelin, OPA

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