During my childhood I lived in terror of the devil. I believed that the devil was constantly
watching me and waiting for an opportunity to make me sin. This was common among children of my
generation and was reinforced regularly in school. It wasn’t until I went to
Marygrove College that I began to understand that the struggle between good and
evil is not an even match. God is on the
side of good and nothing, not even the devil, can overcome him because God is
love and love is invincible.
The love of God or, rather, our belief in the the love of
God, and the conviction that trust in God protects us absolutely, gives us the
courage and strength to face life, with all it’s issues. Fear
is the real enemy. To be frightened is
one thing, to be afraid of being frightened is quite another. That fear
paralyzes and denies the power of God.
Trust in God and fear-of-life are mutually exclusive. Jesus’ greeting always began with ‘Peace be with you’ and was usually
followed up with ‘Fear not’. God knows full well how fear constricts the
heart and enslaves the spirit.
Believing in
superstitions, jinxes and omens gives power to fear. One time I suggested that someone who was
facing surgery with great trepidation come to the Anointing of the Sick
ceremony. Their reaction was
incredible. They stared at me with
horror and said that they didn’t want to jinx the surgery. I’m not speechless very often, but that did
How does this happen?
How can God be so misunderstood? It seems people want God to be Santa Claus and
believe that God is watching and tallying up the times they are naughty or nice
and that will decide whether they go to heaven or not. The emptiness of that kind of faith is awful.
Jesus is the human face of God. The
purpose of his life on earth was to forge a bond between the human race and the
Creator, which is why Jesus said, “Whoever
has seen me, has seen the Father because the Father and I are one”. (Jn 14) Get to know Jesus and you know God. Compassion ruled his life along with justice,
mercy, reason and patience. Those
virtues are not just from God; they are God.
Carry these words of St. Francis DeSales with you to give to
those whose faith is weak.
Do not look forward in fear to
the changes in life;
rather, look to them with full
hope that as they arise, God,
whose very own you are, will
lead you safely through all things;
and when you cannot stand it, God
will carry you in His arms.
Do not fear what may happen
the same understanding Father
who cares for
you today will take care of
you then and every day.
He will either shield you from
or will give you unfailing
strength to bear it.
Be at peace, then and put
aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.
In this age of Evangelization efforts, if all we do is
convince people to put aside all fear and trust the loving God, we are
fulfilling Jesus command: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the
Carol Lemelin OPA
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