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Wednesday, May 4, 2016



“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
 (Matt 11:29-30)

What an invitation!  Who could resist? 
Come to me” he says.
“Yes, I will” we answer, but Jesus doesn’t stop there.  Oh no, he presents us with another invitation while irresistible, also seems impossible.  He suggests that we yoke ourselves to him.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul.”

A yoke, as you probably know, is a bar placed across the necks and backs of animals, usually oxen, and used to pull heavy loads.  No animal is yoked alone, they must have a partner and they must both be trained to move in unison comfortably and placidly. Trainers have noted that many teams are uncomfortable until they are reconnected each day, so strong is their bond.

The yoke Jesus suggests is perfect, strong and everlasting; you and he in perfect harmony, pulling the burdens of life together.  He promises you will not be sorry and your burdens will be lighter.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

At times, we are yoked to something or another, be it fear, addiction, depression, anger, or something else.  But those yokes are heavy, unwieldy and can’t follow a straight line to any kind of reasonable destination. 

This invitation is easy to accept.  Simply say, “Come Lord Jesus” and open your mind and heart.  No dues required, no hoops to jump through and it comes with a lifetime guarantee.  If you believe anything Jesus said, believe this.  He will be your partner through your life.  He will walk beside you and will always be there.  He will not be distracted from your needs and you will feel his love every moment of your existence. 

You may get a lot of invitations during your lifetime but never any like this one.
RSVP immediately.

Carol Lemelin OPA

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