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Wednesday, March 29, 2017



Do you ever wonder how God really feels about you?  Despite people like me telling you that he loves you, forgives you and has your best interests at heart, do you ever wish you had some kind of evidence? 

That evidence exists in the story of David, King of Israel, father of Solomon and slayer of Goliath.  David was the ancient world’s version of a Rock Star.  He was the youngest son of Jesse. He was bright, funny, artistic and good. He could have been a spoiled brat but he wasn’t.  He took the menial job of tending the sheep without complaint because that’s what youngest sons are supposed to do. David had a close personal relationship with God and most of his works were about God. This is the man, remember, who wrote, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

God sent Samuel to Jesse to find a successor to King Saul from the Jesse’s sons. Samuel rejected all the adult sons and turned to Jesse and asked if that was all he had.  Jesse, a little embarrassed, said he had younger son who tended the sheep.  Samuel asked to see him.  As soon as David entered the room, Samuel knew this was the one God had chosen.  Samuel, too, had that kind of relationship with God.

David proved to be a great leader, soldier, and king. He took his rightful place as King following the death of Saul.  But then he did a terrible thing; two terrible things, really.  First he seduced Bathsheba; then he arranged for her husband to be killed in battle so he could marry her.   David, the Rock Star, showed his human weakness and that could have ended his relationship with God, but as he always did, he took it straight to God.  He fell on his knees and confessed his sins and begged forgiveness. God forgave him.  Three of the most beautiful words ever. 

There were other times when David had to confess his sins and beg forgiveness, and every time he was sure that God had forgiven him. He is our shining example of the love and patience and forgiveness of God and what it means to truly believe In it.

If only we could develop our relationship with God like that.  We would never think that something we had done would separate us from God.  We would never hesitate to confess our sin and beg forgiveness.  We would never doubt that forgiveness was ours.  While David was a Rock Star, he was just human, as are we.  

That relationship can be ours, when we accept that God wants it, too.

Blessings this fourth week of Lent.

Carol Lemelin OPA

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