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Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Jeremiah 17: 5-10

Those who put their trust in the world alone usually come to regret it.  Those who do, according to Jeremiah, are like plants struggling to survive in harsh conditions, totally out of their element and miserable.  On the other hand, Jeremiah says, the plant planted in the right spot stretches out its roots to the water.  It does not fear the heat, and when drought comes still produces fruit.  That is supposed to be us, unafraid, trusting in the living water, bearing fruit and making the place we occupy a place where He can be found. 
Luke 16:19-31
The beggar Lazarus (not to be confused with Martha and Mary’s brother) had lain on the road outside the house of rich man for years but the rich man never paid any attention to him, nor did he give him alms.  Both men died.  The beggar went straight into the arms of Abraham while the rich man languished below in thirst and torment.  When he looked up and saw the beggar, he pleaded with Abraham to send the man down with water for him.  (Even in death he expected to be waited on.) When Abraham refused, the man then begged him to send someone to tell his brothers about his fate so as to encourage them to change their ways.  Abraham’s reply is powerful, 
They will not listen to the prophets or to Moses. They would not listen even if someone rose from the dead to tell them.”

Isn’t that us?  We have the ultimate prophet.  We have someone to guide us who actually did rise from the dead and yet we still question God.
Why, God, did you let this happen?  Why can’t I have what I want? Why, why, why?

You’ve heard the stories about people burying a statue of St. Joseph in the garden to aid in the selling of their homes.  I knew a woman, not a Christian, who bought a statue of an angel because she thought all heavenly beings have wings and when she sold her house called it miraculous. 

How can we insult God like this?  We will believe a ridiculous thing like that, but we won’t believe that God loves us with a love that surpasses all understanding and can be trusted implicitly.  Our God calls out to us today as He did to Abraham.
“Abraham, do not be afraid.  I am your shield.”

If we did embrace that love we would be like the bush planted close to the living water, which is the Spirit.   We would thrive and enrich the world with the Good News.

Lent is good time to work at developing this trust.  Study the life of Christ. Note how often he goes off to pray and comes back invigorated to continue his mission.  In the garden he got up from his prayers and calmly met death as it came up the path. 
Is Jesus the only one who could find comfort, strength and renewal in prayer? 
Our ever-patient God waits for us to turn to him in total trust so that we will know true peace.

Blessings on you during your Lenten journey,  

Carol Lemelin OPA

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