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Wednesday, April 12, 2017



HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I know, it’s not January 1st and it’s not Pentecost, it’s not even the Chinese New Year, but Easter is actually the beginning of a new year of faith for all of us.  Jesus was not a failure, as crucifixion would seem to indicate.  He triumphed instead proving once and for all that God exists and the He, with the Father and the Spirit, is God.

We’ve spent Lent trying to understand what it must have been like in Christ’s time. We heard of the Temptation of Jesus, the Transfiguration of Jesus and the treachery of Judas.  We’ve listened to stories about people’s encounters with Jesus that changed their lives.  The Samaritan Woman, the man born blind and Lazarus were never the same.  They were transformed into new people with a new outlook on life and most especially, they became followers of the Messiah, unafraid and energized. 

So, what did Lent do for us?  Are we energized to follow Jesus more fervently?  Were we listening as Jesus defied temptation and decided to do the Will of God?  Did we visualize the moment when he revealed his true self to selected disciples?  Did we cringe at the moment when Judas betrayed him to the authorities? 

 Are we changed with a new outlook? Are we ready to face the world with confidence in his word?  Are we ready to live with Jesus by our side forsaking anything that keeps us from loving Him absolutely?

Easter is the day to renew our faith, a day to probe our hearts to find that core of love for Jesus that prompts us to live for him.  This glorious day, when all the prophecies are fulfilled, is a day unlike any other, full of wonder, joy and the determination to be worthy of it. 

Look to the empty cross, and then the empty tomb and know that Christ has overcome death as he promised.  Let that knowledge fill your spirit with renewed energy to live and work and pray to bring that same spirit to the part of the world that is yours.

Easter Blessings be yours,

Carol Lemelin OPA

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