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Wednesday, June 28, 2017



“Enter through the narrow gate.
The gate that is wide and the road broad
 Leads to destruction.
The narrow gate and the crowded road lead to life.
Those who find it are few.” (Mt 7:13-14)

Jesus describes the Christian life in terms of waiting in line at the narrow gate.  The wide gate leads to the free-for-all that is the material world while the narrow gate leads to eternal life with Him.  We all know how easy it is to change lanes.

Even though we are required to do this regularly, we still hate waiting in line. When we are driving, we can’t stay in one lane if there is any chance the other lane(s) are moving a bit faster, so we wait for a chance to cut in. When we change a lane, we shorten the one we were in, and then someone takes advantage of our moving and goes to the lane we left, thereby making it longer and on and on and on!  If we could see it from the air, we would understand that all that shifting of lanes has zero effect most of the time.  All our years of experience still do not stop us from trying. 

This is the kind of image that we get from Jesus words.  This is how we live dodging in and out of the line for the wide gate, then scurrying back to the narrow one when things go wrong.  It takes us quite a while to understand that it is not the line but the goal that matters.  The terminus of the wide gate line is unknown, but the terminus for the narrow gate line is promised.

If the world really knew Jesus and what has been promised us, everyone would get in the narrow gate line, pitch a tent, if necessary, and wait patiently no matter how long it takes, the way people do to see the new Star Wars movie.

The saving grace and part of the joy of knowing Christ, is that if you leave the narrow gate line and go over to the other and then decide to come back, you haven’t lost your place. As human beings we don’t like it when people seem to get away with such behavior, but as we know from the parable of the vineyard owner and the hired help, we are equal in His sight.

Isn’t that what keeps us going, the boundless patience, understanding and love of God?   If you must test the other gate, remember, that, like the father of the prodigal son, God awaits your return with open arms.

May the blessings of God make your days in the sun joyful.

Carol Lemelin OPA

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