It is one of my themes that trust in God is the road to inner peace. But there are several things, which impede a person from turning over their lives to God. Please do not report me to the authorities, but the God often depicted in the Hebrew Testament is not trustworthy. For example, in Numbers 21: 4-6, we read, “The Jewish refugees from Egypt got fed up with the conditions and complained to Moses. So God sent serpents among them, which bit the people and many died.” This image of God is totally at odds with who God truly is. Who would trust such a God?
To know God as God truly is, we need to hear about him from Jesus. The way to trusting in God is through Jesus. Get to know Jesus. Study Jesus. Don’t depend solely on what you hear on Sunday, but open the New Testament and read. Part of the reason that Christianity even exists is the message Jesus gave us about the everlasting love of God.
Don’t be afraid to question or doubt. Pray to the Spirit to join you in your quest.
In my own case, it was the day I read that passage in Numbers. I thought who, but an evil person would do such a thing? If I, a mere mortal, would not even think of doing such a thing, how could I love a God who would? So I began to study, to listen to Jesus, to find the answers.
We are going through serious weather issues at the moment. And, of course, those who prefer a God who is as judgmental and bloodthirsty as they are, have decided that this is God punishing sinners. Jesus has told us that God is Love. God cannot visit death on people randomly in hopes of getting the sinners, and still be Love.
In all fairness, I must say that our God of love is evident in the Hebrew Scriptures, but is often obscured by the stories, fables and violence in those pages.
Case in point: Jeremiah 31:33 “This is the covenant I will make with the House of Israel. I will place my law within them, and write it on their hearts. They will no longer teach each other “Know the Lord!” Everyone from the least to the greatest shall know me, for I shall forgive them and remember their sins no more.”
You can see how easy it will be to grow in love of God. He has already done most the work for you. The truth lies within you, you just have to uncover it.
Carol Lemelin OPA