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Wednesday, January 30, 2019



Who hasn’t had occasion to ask that question?   A do-it-yourself project that failed miserably or a relationship you thought was good has collapsed, or a conversation misunderstood ruins a friendship. Any of those things can make us ask that question. Even if we know the cause, that rarely repairs the damage.  What’s done is done, has never been truer. Think for a minute how often that happened to Jesus.  

He chose Judas. There is no mention of that in the Bible. Either the writers or the translators may have decided not to include it.  Regardless, Jesus did choose him.  At the Last Supper when Judas is getting up to leave, Jesus meets him eye to eye. If this were a film, everything would be blurred out except the two men. Jesus looked at Judas and his eyes said, “I know exactly what you are about to do.”And Judas turned away like all cowards.  Jesus’ choice of Judas and the resultant betrayal probably contributed to his agony in the garden. 

A leper comes to him in misery and asks him to cure his disease.  Jesus’ compassion always overrides any doubts or hesitation even though he is fully aware of the danger.  He cures the man, asks him not to tell anyone, but, of course, he does tell everyone.  The result was an onslaught of petitioners, and Jesus was forced to avoid the crowded towns. It was likely here that he said, “The son of man has nowhere to lay his head.”   

Jesus goes home to Nazareth for the second time, memories of his last successful visit in his mind. Things go well for a while until some rabble-rouser starts accusing Jesus of ignoring his own people and instead curing others, even gentiles and Samaritans. He tells them those people were cured because they believed, but Nazarenes do not. They are so angry they try to throw him over a cliff: his own people, possibly even relatives. 

Need we any further proof of Jesus’ solidarity with us? Carol King said it well: 

When you're down and troubled,
And you need some love and care
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And I will be there.

It is actually that simple. When things like this happen, the secret to coping is to let go of doubt and let Jesus in. It will change your life.  I could be preaching to the choir, but just in case you may be hesitating on the edge, I encourage you to realize you do have a friend. 

Carol Lemelin OPA

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