April 10,, 2015
It troubled me for a long time that Jesus said those words to Peter because they seemed so harsh.
It wasn't until I really got to know Jesus and his apostles better that I realized the fault lie not with Jesus but with the translation. Unfortunately the exchange between Peter and Jesus comes in the same chapter and indeed on the heels of Peter's acknowledgement of Jesus as the Messiah where Jesus responds, "Blessed are your Peter no has revealed this to you." From Blessed to Satan in one paragraph would be pretty hard to take. But, let's look at the exchange carefully. Jesus has just told the disciples that he will have to go to Jerusalem and there be handed over to death. Peter, to put it in our terms says, "I've got an idea. Let's not go. Let's stay here." I like to think Jesus' response here was probably more along the lines of "Please, Peter, don't tempt me. I need you to be with me." Peter, as we have seen over and over again immediately falls in line and prepares for the worst. Jesus becomes more real to me every day.
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