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Tuesday, April 28, 2015


April 28, 2015

When reading scripture it is important to remember which audience the speaker/writer is addressing.  Jesus spoke in agricultural and husbandry terms a lot for two reasons; first the people were by and large not city folk but small town people with sheep and crops, etc. so the references made sense to them. Second, the world will always have crops and herds of animals so the references will always be timely.  That’s why the image of the Good Shepherd is arguably one of the most familiar to the world.  I personally used to bristle a little at being referred to as a sheep but I’ve learned that the parable of the Good Shepherd is less about the sheep and more about the Shepherd, of course.  Jesus uses that image because it is one of someone who literally lays down their life for those in their care.  A shepherd lived with his flock.  He slept with one eye open and one ear cocked for danger every night.  The sound of his voice was both their comfort and direction.  How perfect a description of our relationship with Christ is that?  The more I’ve thought about it the more precious it becomes.  You know in the movies when the “cavalry” arrives at the last minute to save everyone?  With Christ in your life the cavalry surrounds you.

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