When I walk
along the lakeshore I am tempted to take a picture of the early morning sun on
the water to capture the moment, but one can only capture the sight, not the
smell, not the wind, not the sound of the waves gently lapping the breakwater
or the quiet voices of the fisherman offshore.
to know God is something like that. Let’s
say when you sit outside and find God in nature by dwelling on His creation and
its wonders but never seek God in other people or you pray only using words
written by someone else and never address God heart to heart you have only
connected to part of God. There are many paths to God and in order to fulfill
our own destiny we have to look for God in everything.
In the Book
of Sirach(42:19) God is described this way; “He plumbs the depths and penetrates the
heart; their innermost being he understands.” By these words we understand that God is in
everything, everyone, every event. The
ancients feared God while at the same time recognizing his perfect goodness, while
many modern people have whittled God down to a size they can manage. We have created a God who has become just
like us, angry, vengeful, blind and deaf to the cries of humanity and easily
manipulated. It’s that God that people
reject. Again from Sirach: “God is from all eternity one and the same
with nothing added, nothing taken away.” It is the duty of believers to
present the true God, the unchanging ever-present lover, the merciful, and the
Carol Lemelin
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