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Tuesday, June 9, 2015


June 9, 2015

            In Jessamyn West’s stories Friendly Persuasion, a man muses as he takes flowers to a funeral for a young boy that perhaps that simple gesture is the whole reason he was born and that in doing so he has fulfilled God’s plan.  That idea has stuck with me for years.  After all, how do we really know what God’s plan for each of us is?  Oh, we can sketch a broad outline but no one can guess what the truth is.  Wise parent that He is, He has given us the tools and the guidelines to follow and set us free.   But it is scary out there on that limb all by ourselves!  But, wait, there is one more gift: Jesus. With Jesus as our model, things become clearer, not less scary maybe, but clearer.
            All the great adjectives, phrases and descriptions of good, honest, loving people apply to him.  He was compassionate and tolerant but he was not a fool as the moneychangers in the Temple discovered.  He drew people to him because he smiled and looked right at them acknowledging their very existence, which didn’t happen often to the poor. Still doesn’t, by the way.  He went wherever he wanted and fit in wherever that was because he was absolutely sure the love of the Father was with him.  We have both, the love of the Father and the companionship of the Son.  We can’t worry about what will define our purpose but live our lives in Christ, making every encounter count for something, forgive ourselves when we mess up and trust, trust, trust in the loving grace of God to get us through.

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