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Tuesday, June 23, 2015


June 23, 2015


All noble endeavors succeed eventually even when at first they fail”.
This is a statement by a man who died pursuing just such an endeavor.  Setting out to change the world or change ideas for the better begins slowly and more often than not is met with increasing violence as the idea begins to gain traction.  Every time an Apostle or disciple of Christ was put to death, those in authority believed that would put an end to the rise of Christianity. Many who witnessed those deaths were demoralized and yet Christianity survived.   A person who follows Jesus Christ finds an inner peace that can’t be explained and yet can never be abandoned.  People for centuries have gone to their deaths rather than give up or deny that peace.  People are doing it today 20 centuries after His earthly life because He still remains with us.  It can’t be explained it can only be felt.  I was going to say it’s a lot like love but of course, it is love.  The unexplainable, the inexpressible, all pervading glow that makes living bearable.  Love of and from Christ, unlike human love, never fades. He never tires of you, never looks around for someone to replace you but is steadfast even when you stray from Him.  Once you have it no power on earth is strong enough to take it away.  The noble endeavor to bring Christ to the world will succeed as we who live it share it.

With love, Carol

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